Royal City Physio is quickly warming up to our 'Colours 4 Kids' fundraiser for KidSport New West on June 24th. With only a few weeks left, we want to share why this event and cause is so important to the clinic and our community. In the upcoming weeks, each of our physiotherapists will be sharing why they are excited for 'Colours 4 Kids' and why you should be too in the segment: 'Why Tie-Dye?' With Jayme having already shared her colourful thoughts (which you can read about here), next up is: Saqib Niaz.
What are you most excited about the ‘Colours 4 Kids’ event?
I think that the event and the whole idea of helping kids get to play sports is fantastic. It's hard to imagine for a lot of people that there are many kids who cannot play, or even participate, in the sport that they are passionate about.
I have grown up around sports my whole life and it has made me the person I am. From watching sports on tv, to playing, to being a team trainer and helping coach as well, there is no comparison to being there with your team in the highs and lows!
What can people look forward to on June 24th?
The event is going to be amazing; from a BBQ and tie dye station, alongside professional athletes and giveaways and an auction, it's going to be an awesome afternoon.

Why do you think it’s important that we support causes like ‘KidSport New Westminster’?
Any cause that is helping children is a cause I stand beside. As I mentioned before, I believe that all kids should at least have the opportunity to try any and all sport. The friends they make, the people they meet, the physical and psychological benefits they will gain will all help define them.
What colours will be using for your tie dye creation?
I like my bright colours, so I'll be sure to add a little yellow and orange into that mix. But my favourite colour is blue, so I must have a little bit of that in there.
Such a tough question! I guess we'll have to wait and see on that day!
I'm more excited in the event and opportunity to help give back to a community that has given so much to me!

We hope that you are getting as excited as we are for this exciting day. Join us on June 24th for a colourful afternoon of tie-dye, games and prizes all in support of KidSport New Westminster!
'Colours 4 Kids' Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/264297297341968/
Learn more about why we made this event: https://www.royalcityphysio.com/single-post/2017/04/26/Why-did-we-choose-KidSport-New-West-for-our-fundraiser