As this week was #GivingTuesday and since December really is the month of giving, we thought we'd have a special post in honour of this special day. Our founder, Karen Nichol, was able to forge the beginning of an amazing relationship from across the world with a physiotherapist in Zimba, a town in Zambia, Africa.
One of Karen's friend's, Sue, who also goes to Royal City Physio as a client, is an ophthalmologist who goes over to Zambia twice a year with a group of other eye doctors. During their trips, they donate their time to perform eye surgeries on individuals who don't have the health coverage to cover the surgeries. The most recent trip lasted two weeks and Sue was able to see five hundred patients during her stay in the country.

Karen saw this as an opportunity to help out fellow physiotherapists from across the world. As Sue didn't have much space to bring things over, Royal City Physio provided a collection of pre-cut & packaged therabands to be donated.

The physiotherapist pictured above's name is Mary and she's been working diligently to obtain donation from the government to better equip her physiotherapy clinic. She was thrilled to receive a package of the therabands as she didn't have any resisted bands and they are incredibly difficult to obtain in that part of the world.
But the connection doesn't stop there - in the future, Karen is going to set up a video call with Mary as Mary asked if Royal City Physio could pass on any helpful physiotherapy knowledge or techniques to help her with her manual treatment and exercise prescription with her clients. Mary isn't professionally trained as a physiotherapist and therefore is trying to navigate learning things as she goes. This provides a unique educational opportunity and also strengthens this newfound connection Royal City Physio has with Zimba.

Karen shares of the experience: "I'm really excited to 'join hands' with Mary across the globe on this venture. I feel so fortunate to be able to help (even in this small way) to improve the quality of life for those so much less fortunate than us."
As the story of #HealthyGiving develops, we will be sure to keep updating accordingly. Share your #HealthyGiving stories with us on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook and tag it with #keepmoving or @RCPhysio!